The SOMA as the WELL

Image of a water well to show metaphor of the soma as the well in a process of healing from trauma.

Our Name, Our Foundation

The year 2021 brought with it many changes for SomaWell, including the name of our practice. SomaWell’s name holds within it a metaphor that reflects our mission, our foundation, and our passion, and we want to share it with you.

The words ‘Soma’ and ‘Well’, as defined by Merriam-Webster Dictionary…


“The body of an organism.”


“A source from which something may be drawn as needed.”

The Soma as the Well

Just like a water-well embedded into the earth’s soil can provide the nourishing and life-giving resource of water, we can imagine the Soma as the Well in a process of healing and transformation. The soma can become a source from which we draw, as needed, to create well-ness and wholeness in our lives.

It takes time, energy, and commitment to build a sustainable water well; and so it is with the soma. Considering the process as a journey, rather than a destination, we can build an intimate and rewarding relationship with the soma overtime.

We can overcome being in constant conflict with the body, we can release our grip and control over the body, and we can practice listening to and honoring the body instead.

Retrieving nourishment, inspiration, & truth

Similar to how we would send an empty bucket deep into the earth’s surface to retrieve life-giving water from a well, we can dive deep into the well of the soma to retrieve nourishment and support for the soul + psyche.

In a process of healing, we may become familiar with the soma as a source of information, intuition, inspiration, and truth. It is through the body, we can build the capacity to somatically resource ourselves with body awareness, breath integration, mindful movement, and empowered strength.

By somatically resourcing ourselves we can heal, create wellness, and take on the challenges of life with strength, dignity, and empowerment.

And to do this, we must work to develop the transformative and healing skill of embodiment (journal post on Embodiment coming soon!).